Saturday, January 30, 2016

We spent the afternoon learning some Tae Kwon Do. We learned to use our arms and legs with power.

 One of our student's big sister came to our class and taught us how to handle anxiety. We were told to but our concerns on our shoulder, blow them off and then stomp on them. We tried it and it worked.

 Our Vip is a constant delight to have in class. She loves live and we love her. She makes our class a fun place to be.
 We would like to thank our new VIP. She is a happiness monitor for our class. She keeps us on target.
 We just run through the corner of Arizona and we are now in Mesquite, Nevada. WAHOO!
 Thanks to our volunteers for helping us stay focused and on top of our work.
 We are having a school fund raiser for children who are in need of shoes. Our hallways are lined with gifts of love.
 We just finished reading about, Helen Keller. We went outside with our buddies and explored what it would be like to be blind. It was exciting and a little scary. Helen Keller said, "The best things in life cannot be seen or heard, they must be felt by the heart."

Monday, January 18, 2016

Thank you for the beautiful heart block. I am going to keep it right by my desk to I see it everyday and be happy.
 Parawon - 250 miles, Wahoo!
 Cedar City - 275 miles, Wahoo!
 Zions ( Anderson Junction) - 300 miles, Wahoo!
 St. George - 325 Miles. Can you believe it???????
 Bye, bye tooth!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

We spent the morning learning about Vincent Van Gogh. We watched a video about his painting called, Starry Night.

 Our VIP is one in a million. Learning is what makes him tick. He loves it. Any day with a challenge in it is a good day.

Monday, January 11, 2016

We just had a SAME DAY! We spent the day doing as many things as we could all the same. We are learning about diversity by doing the opposite of it. There were some things that were fun and there were several things that were NOT!>

Happy Birthday to you! What a great day to be eight!!!