Thursday, August 30, 2018

We are changing our school wide traits. We are focuses on being a Growth Mindset school. Each month we are going to concentrate on a different trait. They are; empathy, resilience, flexibly, optimism, courage, persistence and curious. We are painting our school tree to represent our goals.
 Thank you for the markers. We go through so many your gift is greatly appreciated.
 We had the honor of hearing from one of our military service women. She shared with us the importance of never leaving your buddy behind and work hard. We should never give up when things seem difficult.

 Thank you for serving our country!

 We spent the morning trying to figure out the best way to determine how many linking cubes we have in our classroom. Several students found that by sorting them into groups of ten, and then into groups of one hundred, we could determine the total.

 On of our students is missing from our classroom. We really miss him and can't wait for him to be able to join us. We wish him the best of luck and love in his recover.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Thank you for the glue and tissues. We will be using them right away!
 Hand wipes!!!! How did you know we really could use these. Thank you!
 Our class pet is named, Arachne. She is five years old and looking good. We get to feed her two crickets a week and clean her water dish. She is nocturnal, which means she is very lazy in the day. We get really excited when she wakes up and starts rooming her cage.
 Thank you for the erasers and tissues. You are very kind.
 We are learning about our community. We were able to listen to some of the people in our school that  serve us everyday. Today we heard from our custodian and lunch lady.