Tuesday, December 20, 2022

 Thank you for the markers. We will put them to good use.

Thank you for the Christmas gift.You are so kind. 
We went caroling to our PE teacher. She loved it.

We also caroled to our STEM teacher. She smiled all the way through. 

Our 6th grade buddies thought we were great carolers. 
Our music teacher said we dd a great job caroling. 

Our 6th grade buddies thought we rocked at caroling. 

Thank you for the kind gift. You are so nice. 
Yummy chocolates. You are very kind. 
We have made it to Mesquite, Nevada. Wahoo!
Our Giving Tree is overflowing with love. 
Thank you for the wonderful Christmas gift. You are so kind. 
We are going to smell so good. Thank you so much. 
Thank you for the kind gift. You are very generous. 
Wow! Your card was very tender. Thank you fro the gift and sweet words. 
The office thought we did an excellent job singing. 

The workroom staff said we did a great job singing. 

We had hot chocolate and cookies for our Polar Express day. 

Our VIP likes to dance Hip Hop, ballet and Jazz. She likes to go to Virginia to visit her grandparents and go fishing. Her favorite color is teal. When she grows up she wants to be a professional dancer. 

Thank you big sister. We miss your little brother. We hope he feels better soon. 
Thank you for the vanilla. What a sweet gift. 
Thank you for thinking of me. You are very kind. 
Amazon here I come. Thank you for your thoughtful gift. 
Yummy! Thank you so much. 
Wahoo! You are very generous. 
We sang to the lunchroom ladies. They really clapped loud for our singing. 

Our Giving Tree was a magical experience. Giving a gift was the the highlight of the day. 

Thank you for the markers. We use so many of them everyday. 

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